martes, 10 de abril de 2012

Articulo en Inglés: The Wellness Revolution

Five years ago, in the first edition of The Wellness Revolution, economist Paul Zane Pilzer outlined an emerging $200 billion industry he called “wellness.” Today, that industry has grown to $500 billion, and it’s just getting started, offering even greater entrepreneurial opportunities.

The Wellness Revolution was the “shot heard round the world” for the wellness industry. It defined wellness as an industry—linking tens of thousands of disparate service and product suppliers with a single cause. It showed scientists, fitness providers, businesspeople, food manufacturers, doctors, and others focused on disease prevention and anti-aging that they were part of a worldwide revolution—rather than merely lone iconoclasts inside their chosen professions or industries.

While the first edition was largely focused on large $100 million wellness companies, The New Wellness Revolution includes more guidance and business advice for individual wellness entrepreneurs, health product distributors, physicians, chiropractors, and other wellness professionals. For those in one of the largest segments of the wellness industry, there is a new chapter called “Direct Selling: How to Get Started.” The New Wellness Revolution features new action items in every chapter and covers major new trends, particularly the phenomenon of “sickness industry” food companies such as McDonald’s and Wal-Mart making huge investments in fresh and organic foods.

The New Wellness Revolution shows that even though millions of people have embraced wellness, the need for wellness has actually expanded due to declining health trends, particularly the rising obesity rate in the U.S. and other developed nations. Medical costs now exceed profits for most large employers, and corporations are beginning to recognize that wellness and disease prevention are the only viable solutions to rising healthcare costs that threaten their very existence.

There’s still time to get in on the ground floor and make your fortune in wellness. Find out how, with The New Wellness Revolution!

Read the Entire Preface (free)

Paul Zane Pilzer (The Wellness Revolution Interview)

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Asesor en Emprendimiento e Inteligencia Emocional


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