miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2011

1,4 Billones de Dólares buscan hogar!

Hoy en día se habla de una crisis global; los salarios cada vez más pieden su poder adquisitivo, cada vez hay menos trabajo y en general la gente pasa más dificultades para sobrevivir... o no?

Hoy en día hay mas dinero circulando en las economías, que en toda la historia de la humanidad, en nuestra ciudad de venden casas de varios millones de dólares mucho más rápido de lo que las pueden construir, más concesionarios de autos lujosos abren sus puertas, se espera que se inauguren docenas de centros comerciales más y 1,4 Billones de Dólares circulan por el mundo en busca de un lugar donde ser invertidos.

Entonces, estamos o no estamos en crisis?

La actual, como las anteriores crisis, resultan ser grandes oportunidades para quienes se encuentran preparados para encontrar el lugar a donde migra la economía. Un crisis es solamente la migración de la forma principal de producir dinero. Y si el dinero esta disponible por qué no se invierte? Qué es lo que hace falta para que se logre usar ese dinero?

Lo único que falta en las economías, es confianza! Los grandes inversores no invierten porque no tienen confianza, entonces toman su dinero, esperan a tener un ambiente de mayor confianza y todos los demás entramos en crisis.

Ser digno de confianza como profesional, cambiaría tu vida; tener una empresa digna de confianza, cambiaría tus ingresos; ser un empresario de confianza, te daría acceso a capitales reservados y abundantes para tus proyectos.

Una vez mas se reafirma que el éxito es una Habilidad Emocional, no intelectual. Debes esforzarte por educarte financiera y emocionalmente. Debes estar muy bien preparado para tomar acción cuando atrapes una oportunidad y te embarques en la gran aventura de tu prosperidad!!.

Ahora que ya lo sabés, qué vas a hacer?

Recuerda que los millonarios tienen grandes bibliotecas y los pobres tienen grandes televisores!! Toma acción, inicia tu educación financiera, haz un plan de crecimiento con tu familia, enseña a tus hijos valores de prosperidad, cuida tu lenguaje, cambia tu forma de percibir el dinero. LEE UN LIBRO!!

Busca la información, siempre ha estado allí esperando que tomes la decisión de cambiar tu vida.

Hazlo hoy!

Sigue adelante por tu Prosperidad

Asesor en Emprendimiento e Inteligencia Emocional


viernes, 7 de octubre de 2011

Artículo en Inglés: Courage, Convictions and Commitment

Those are the very words you could use to describe Truett Cathy and the success of his Chick-fil-A restaurant chain. It took Truett 21 years from the time he opened his first Dwarf House Restaurant and perfected his Chick-fil-A sandwich to open his first Chick-fil-A restaurant in a shopping mall.

It was difficult for Truett Cathy to arrange his first shopping mall lease for his Chick-fil-A restaurant. Cathy, a man of strong religious convictions, was determined never to open one of his restaurants on Sunday. Most shopping malls would not make that kind of agreement. Finally, one did and Chick-fil-A was an almost-immediate hit. As of February, 2011, the chain has 1,539 locations in 39 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. In 2010 sales were $3.5 billion.

It took a considerable amount of courage, backed by convictions, to refuse to let his restaurants open on Sunday. Mr. Cathy's faith, however, was such that he never really considered the issue. He was determined to open six days a week and serve the best product he could possibly produce. He resolved to give good service and a genuine business opportunity to the people with whom he worked.

Sticking to his principles has benefitted not only Truett Cathy, but many others as well. He has awarded his college student employees over $26 million in scholarships. WinShape Foundation was founded more than 20 years ago by Jeannette and Truett Cathy. Under the WinShape Foundation umbrella, there are several programs, including WinShape Homes®, which currently operates 11 foster care homes in Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama. The WinShape College Program℠ at Berry College in Rome, Georgia, is a co-op program offering joint four-year scholarship funding to incoming freshmen of up to $32,000. WinShape Camps℠ offer boys and girls summer programs at the college, which will be attended by more than 13,000 campers in 2011.

That's the American way. That's the Truett Cathy way. Think about it and be inspired by Truett Cathy's story. Search your heart for something you can do for those who cannot do for themselves, and I'll SEE YOU AT THE TOP! 

About Zig Ziglar

A talented author and speaker, Zig Ziglar has an appeal that transcends barriers of age, culture, and occupation. Since 1970, he has traveled over five million miles across the world delivering powerful life improvement messages, cultivating the energy of change. Since 1970, an extensive array of Ziglar audio, video, books, and training manuals have been utilized by small businesses, Fortune 500 companies, U.S. Government agencies, churches, school districts, prisons, and non-profit associations, affecting lives in a profound way.  

Stay Hungry!!


Asesor en Emprendimiento e Inteligencia Emocional
